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Muscle strain: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Desgarro muscular_PARACELSO SAGASTA (1)
Néstor Gran Ubeira
Traumatology Consultations
23 Sep 2024
2 Min
Health and advice

A muscle strain, also known as a fibrillar tear, is a common injury that affects active people and athletes alike. Although it may seem like a minor ailment, muscle strain can range in severity from a simple strain that causes discomfort to a severe tear that requires an extensive rehabilitation period. Understanding the causes, symptoms and proper treatments is crucial for optimal recovery and to prevent future injuries. In this article, Dr. Gran Ubeira discusses what a muscle strain is, how it is classified, what causes it, and the most effective methods for diagnosing and treating this injury.

What is a muscle strain

A muscle strain occurs when the fibers that make up the muscle break partially or completely. This injury is classified into three grades, according to the severity of the tear, which can vary depending on factors such as the location, the extent of the tear and the type of fibers affected.

The most common areas where tears occur are the following:

  • Hamstrings: Frequent in sports that require fast and powerful contractions, such as athletics and soccer.
  • Calf muscles: This tear occurs when the muscle is subjected to a load greater than it can withstand.
  • Rotator cuff: This muscle group stabilizes the shoulder when moving the arm. Their small size makes them vulnerable to tears from repetitive movements.
  • Lumbar paravertebral muscles: These muscles support a lot of tension when lifting heavy objects, especially if the torso is flexed incorrectly.


What causes a muscle strain

Tearing of muscle fibers usually occurs due to excessive elongation of the muscle. Among the most common causes are:

  • Sudden, forceful movements
  • Excessive loads
  • Lack of proper warm-up
  • Excessive stretching
  • Direct blow or contusion to the muscle


There is also a wide range of factors that can increase the risk of suffering a muscle strain, such as lack of elasticity, dehydration, poor arterial and venous circulation, poor nutrition or the presence of other metabolic pathologies, such as diabetes.

Muscle strain symptoms

The symptoms of a fibrillar tear are easily recognizable:

  • Tenderness and tightness in mild cases.
  • Intense pain in more severe cases.
  • Hematoma caused by ruptured blood vessels.
  • In severe situations, a blockage of movement may occur due to contraction of adjacent muscles.


Diagnosis and treatment of a muscle strain

Diagnosis of a muscle strain is made by physical and symptomatic evaluation. In some cases, the traumatologist may perform additional examinations, such as an ultrasound, to obtain a detailed image of the injury. It is important to differentiate between a mild tear and a muscle strain, as the symptoms can be similar. A specialist will be able to accurately diagnose the type of injury and recommend appropriate treatment.

Treatment varies according to the severity of the injury. In milder cases, the patient should rest for 8 to 10 days so that the muscle can repair itself. In more severe cases, on the other hand, this period could be extended up to 3 months and be accompanied by physiotherapy and rehabilitation sessions to help strengthen the muscle.

In the event of discomfort or symptoms of muscle strain, the specialists in Traumatology at Paracelso Sagasta will evaluate your case and, once the diagnosis has been made, will offer you a personalized treatment. It is essential to carry out a follow-up and individualized treatment to prevent possible complications and avoid collateral damage.

In addition, to ensure optimal recovery, we have a multidisciplinary team of professionals in Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy, working in coordination with the Traumatology Unit, thus providing a complete and comprehensive medical service. Make an appointment now.


Muscle strain
Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy