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Diagnostic tests

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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Abdominal MRI

Top-notch test that provides information about the digestive system

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

Abdominal ultrasound

Abdominal ultrasound is a technique that allows to evaluate the state of the organs of the digestive system.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Arthro MRI

Technique that consists of the evaluation of small lesions inside the joint.

Breast explorations

Bilateral Breast MRI

Breast cancer screening technique, among other breast pathologies.

Breast explorations

Bilateral Breast MRI for Prosthesis Monitoring

Bilateral breast magnetic resonance for prosthesis control is used to determine the status of breast prostheses.

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

Bilateral breast ultrasound

Breast ultrasound is a screening technique for breast cancer, among other breast pathologies.

Breast explorations

Bilateral Mammography

Bilateral mammography is a diagnostic test that detect possible diseases, such as breast cancer.

Radiology explorations

Bone densitometry

Bone densitometry is a diagnostic technique that allows the measurement of bone mineral density.

Breast explorations

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. An early diagnosis is essential, as it will define the success of the treatment and the chances of a cure, which can be of 100% when detected early. Using precise and specific diagnostic techniques, such as a mammography, breast ultrasound scan or MRI, allows exploring the breasts and detecting any small abnormalities.