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How to deal with hemorrhoids

Hemorroides - Paracelso Sagasta (2)
02 Oct 2024
2 Min
Health and advice

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a benign pathology more common than we think. They are caused by the dilation and inflammation of the veins in the rectal-anal area and manifest themselves in the form of stinging, itching, bleeding and, on some occasions, hemorrhoidal prolapse, characterized by an uncomfortable sensation of a “lump”.

In the following article, we offer you a series of recommendations to prevent their appearance and alleviate the associated discomfort:

  • Avoid constipation. Eating foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and seeds, helps regulate intestinal transit. Maintaining a proper diet is key to prevent excessive straining during bowel movements, one of the main triggers of hemorrhoids.
  • Do not force yourself to defecate. Excessive straining, in addition to being painful, can aggravate symptoms due to increased intra-abdominal pressure. Avoid habits such as using your cell phone during bowel movements, as this can unnecessarily prolong the process.
  • Hydrate yourself. Drinking plenty of fluids facilitates intestinal transit and reduces the need for straining during bowel movements. Try to drink about 2 liters of water a day.
  • Eliminate irritating foods. Alcohol, coffee and spicy seasonings, such as chili peppers, irritate the large intestine to a greater extent, worsening the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  • Be active. Moderate physical exercise, such as walking, can relieve symptoms. However, avoid standing for prolonged periods, as this increases pressure on hemorrhoids and promotes inflammation.
  • Take sitz baths. If you feel itching, stinging or pain, sitz baths with warm water can be very helpful. Repeat this procedure two or three times a day for 15 minutes. You can also add medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory properties to enhance its effects.
  • Avoid tight clothing. Especially when it comes to underwear. The use of thongs, for example, impairs blood flow, which can increase the discomfort and hinders the disappearance of hemorrhoids. Opt for soft, breathable fabrics.
  • Take care of your intimate hygiene. Keep the area clean without scratching or rubbing intensely, as this will only increase the discomfort and cause more irritation. Use lukewarm water and neutral soap to cleanse the area gently and dabbing after using the bathroom. You can consult your doctor about the use of a special ointment or cream.


At Paracelso Sagasta, we understand that hemorrhoids can be very uncomfortable, but with healthy habits and proper care it is possible to prevent their appearance and alleviate the symptoms. By following these recommendations, you can minimize discomfort and improve your quality of life. Remember that small changes in your routine can make a big difference in your well-being.


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