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How to minimize the effects of jet lag?

Jet lag - Paracelso Sagasta 1
20 Aug 2024
3 Min
Health and advice

Traveling to faraway destinations can be an exciting experience, but time zone differences can bring with them the dreaded jet lag. Many see it as an unavoidable inconvenience that can mess up the first few days of your vacation. However, there are numerous strategies to mitigate the effects of jet lag and adapt more quickly to the new schedule.

Adopting certain habits before, during and after flying can help you synchronize your biological clock with that of your destination. Here are some practical tips to beat jet lag and enjoy your next trip to the fullest.

What is jet lag?

Our organism has what is called circadian rhythm, commonly called internal clock. This regulates the times when we should be awake or when we should sleep. Jet lag, or circadian dysrhythmia, is a temporary sleep disorder that occurs when this clock does not adjust to the new time zone of the destination to which we have traveled. The more time zones you cross, the greater the chance of experiencing this mismatch.

Symptoms of jet lag

The effects of jet lag vary according to the individual and the time zones crossed. The most common are:

  • Fatigue: Feeling of extreme tiredness and lack of energy.

  • Insomnia: Difficulty falling asleep.
  • Daytime sleepiness: Feeling sleepy and needing to sleep during the day.

  • Irritability: Feelings of frustration and moodiness.

  • Difficulty concentrating: Problems maintaining attention and performing mental tasks.

  • Headaches: Headaches that can vary in intensity.

  • Digestive problems: May include indigestion, upset stomach, constipation or diarrhea.
  • Temporal disorientation: Confusion about the time of day and difficulty adjusting to the new schedule.

  • Mood swings: Swings in emotional state, with feelings of sadness or anxiety.

  • General malaise.

How to minimize the impact of jet lag?

Days before flying:

  • Adjust your sleep schedule: Start modifying your sleep schedule a few days before travel. If you are traveling to the east, go to bed and get up earlier each day. If you are traveling west, go to bed a few hours later. Also adjust the hours of exposure to sunlight, and reduce artificial light at night.

  • Eat properly: Adapt your meal times to align more closely with the destination’s schedule. Avoid heavy meals and foods with a lot of sugar or caffeine close to bedtime.
  • Get plenty of rest: Make sure you are well rested before your trip. A fatigued body is more susceptible to jet lag.

During the flight:

  • Stay hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate the symptoms of jet lag, so it is important to drink water and avoid substances such as alcohol and caffeine, which not only dehydrate you but can also affect your ability to sleep.

  • Adjust your watch: Change the time on your devices to the time at your destination as soon as you get on the plane to start getting used to it.
  • Sleep according to your destination: If your arrival is at night, try to sleep during the flight and vice versa. Use sleep masks and earplugs if necessary..

  • Light exercise: Do light exercise and stretching during the flight to improve circulation and reduce discomfort. Avoid spending many hours sitting in your seat.

At the destination:

  • Exposure to natural light: Spend time outdoors during the day to help reset your internal clock. Sunlight is one of the most effective tools for this.

  • Adapt your sleep schedule: Try to fall asleep and wake up according to local time. Avoid long naps as well, but if you arrive at your destination in the daytime and feel very tired, it may be beneficial to sleep for 20-30 minutes. If arriving in the evening, try to stay awake until local bedtime to help adjust your sleep schedule.
  • Maintain proper nutrition: Eat at local times and choose light, healthy meals to help your body adjust.

  • Hydrate well: Continue to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.

  • Be physically active: Moderate exercise can improve your energy.
  • Be patient and listen to your body: Give your body time to adjust and don’t push yourself too hard the first few days.

Minimizing the effects of jet lag requires careful planning and specific habits at different stages of your trip. By following these tips, you can minimize the impact of jet lag and fully enjoy your trip from day one.


Jet Lag