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Spring Asthenia: what is it and how to fight it

16 Apr 2024
2 Min
Health and advice

Spring asthenia is a feeling of generalized tiredness and weakness, both physical and mental, which coincides with the transition from winter to spring. This state, of mild and temporary nature, is similar to the awakening of our body after months of low temperatures and little sun exposure.


The symptoms associated with spring asthenia are:

  • Intellectual fatigue.
  • Lack of energy.
  • Sleep disorders, especially when it comes to falling asleep.
  • Irritability
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Headaches.
  • Concentration problems.


In most people, the symptomatology usually disappears within one or two weeks.


Although the physiological origin is not entirely clear, experts suggest that spring asthenia is due to the interaction between two types of factors: first, there are environmental factors inherent to this season, such as the increase in the hours of sunlight, changes in atmospheric pressure and the rise in temperatures; and second, we find endogenous factors, which occur within our organism.

When spring arrives, some people experience hormonal changes, which combined with the new climatic conditions, cause a deregulation of the biological rhythms. Such alterations result in the fatigue and lack of sleep associated with spring asthenia. The activation of the immune system at this time of year could also exacerbate these symptoms.

In conclusion, the organism of people suffering from this condition presents difficulties in adapting to the new environmental circumstances of spring, which are more demanding in energy consumption than winter.


There is no specific treatment for the symptoms of spring asthenia, but its effects can be minimized by adopting a series of measures:

  • Maintain a healthy and balanced diet adapted to the new environmental conditions, prioritizing fresh fruit and vegetables and limiting hypercaloric foods.
  • Practice moderate physical exercise, preferably outdoors, to accelerate the adaptation process.
  • Maintain sleep routines, given that spring asthenia affects the secretion of melatonin, the sleep-regulating hormone.
  • Reduce the consumption of harmful substances, such as tobacco or alcohol.
  • Keep well hydrated as temperatures rise.
  • Control stress, as it is one of the main enemies of our immune system.

In case the symptoms of spring asthenia do not disappear after a few days, it is important to consult a psychology professional to rule out other types of disorders. Anxiety, melancholy, sadness or apathy may not be related to the change of season.

In these cases, the mental health professionals at Paracelso Sagasta will provide you with the necessary tools to cope with the difficulties. Our team will offer you personalized attention and will accompany you in dealing with these complex situations. Do not hesitate to make an appointment at our centers.


Sleep disorders
Spring Asthenia